Grant Projects
Current Grant Projects
Waste Water Treatment Plant Improvement Project
The Burney Water District has been awarded $8,725,696 in grant funding to complete upgrades to our Waste Water Treatment Plant located on Black Ranch Road. The funding for this project has been provided in full or in part the Clean Water State Revolving Fund through an agreement with the State Water Resources Control Board. California's Clean Water State Revolving Fund is capitalized through a variety of funding sources, including grants from the United States Environmental Protection Agency and state bond proceeds."
The Waste Water Treatment Plant Improvement Project consists of the following components:
- Construction of new secondary clarifier and associated piping and appurtenances
- Replacement of oxidation ditch aerators and associated piping and appurtenances
- Replacement of sludge lagoon High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) liner and installation of underdrain system and appurtenances
- Removal and disposal of on-site sludge drying bed sludge
- Dredging, drying, removing, and disposing of existing sludge lagoon sludge
- Construction of Sludge Pumping Building improvements and associated piping and appurtenances
- Construction of Control Building Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) improvements and associated appurtenances
- Installation of new flow meter and associated appurtenances
- Replacement of all electrical and controls and associated appurtenances, not including those in Items 10 and 11 below
- Installation of emergency generator and automatic transfer switch and associated appurtenances
- Purchase Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) by Wonderware
- Construction of site improvements including drainage, Aggregate Base (AB), and trench patch
- Trench sheeting, shoring, and bracing
- Materials on Hand
- Rock Removal Adder
- New Secondary Clarifier Over-Excavation Adder
- Dredging, drying, removal, and disposal of oxidation ditch grit
- Sludge lagoon supernatant improvements
- Conversion of existing secondary clarifier into aerobic sludge digester
- Installation of sludge digester supernatant and return pump station improvements and appurtenances
The Construction Completion Date is scheduled for June 28, 2024.
Collection System Improvement Project - Phase 1 and 2
The Burney Water District has received $3,109,611 in grant funding to complete upgrades to our Collection System, phase 1 has been completed and we are currently working on phase 2 of our Collection System Improvement Project. Funding for this Burney Water District Collection System Improvement Project has been provided in full or in part by Proposition 1 – the Water Quality, Supply, and Infrastructure Improvement Act of 2014 through an agreement with the State Water Resources Control Board.
The Collection System Improvement Project - Phase 1 was completed on August 24, 2020. Phase 1 included the installation of a permanent emergency generator, automatic transfer switch and appurtenances located at the Main Lift Station on Black Ranch Road.
The Collection System Improvement Project - Phase 2 consists of the following components:
- Bartel Lift Station Improvements
- Main Lift Station Improvements
- Gunsmith Way Open-Cut Pipeline Improvements – Construction of all work on Sheet C4.0
- Sheeting, Shoring, and Bracing
- Materials On Hand
- Main Lift Station Bypass Pump Discharge Connection Improvements
- Sapphire Road Driveway Open-Cut Pipeline Improvements – Construction of all work on Sheet C5.0
- Wastewater Pipeline Cured-in-Place-Pipe (CIPP) and Internal Patch Repair Improvements - including all work on Streets C7.0 and C7.1 0
- Open-Cut Wastewater Pipeline Spot Repair Improvements - including all work on Sheet C6.0
- Manhole Rehabilitation Improvements
The Construction Completion Date for Phase 2 is scheduled for May 31, 2024.
Washburn Bue Dog Park Project
The Burney Water District (District) has received grant funding to complete a Dog Park at Washburn Bue Park. The project is funded through the California Drought, Water, Parks, Climate, Coastal Protection, and Outdoor Access for All Act of 2018 administered through the State of California Natural Resources Agency Department of Parks and Recreation and Office of Grants and Local Services (OGALS). The District has been
allocated $177,952 to complete a capital outlay project that benefits the community of Burney.
The Washburn Bue Dog Park Project consists of the following components:
- Construct a new dog park in the northwest corner of the Washburn Bue Park. The dog park would consist of approximately 18,000 square feet of fenced in area with a double-gated entrance. The dog park will be designed to have separate areas for small and large dogs separated by a chain link fence barrier. The dog park will be equipped with benches, signage, and trash cans for visitors to utilize. lf funding allows, a drinking water fountain will be supplied in the fenced-in dog area.
- Relocation of the existing Little League Conex box outside the footprint of the new dog park area.
- Construct a five-foot paved path from the existing parking area to the new dog park.
- lf funding allows, additional picnic benches and possible concrete game tables will be installed adjacent to the dog park area.
The Construction Completion Date is scheduled for October 31, 2023.
Civic Park Improvement Project
The Burney Water District was awarded $850,000.00 in grant funds through the California Drought, Water, Parks, Climate, Coastal Protection, and Outdoor Access for All Act of 2018 administered through the State of California Natural Resources Agency Department of Parks and Recreation and Office of Grants and Local Services. The awarded $850,000 will be utilized to complete a capital outlay project that benefits the community of Burney at the District’s Civic Park.
The Civic Park Project consists of the following components:
- Construction of a new splash pad in the park’s southern corner. The splash pad would include multiple water features and a depiction of a whale to represent the original park’s history.
- Construction of new playground equipment areas for both toddlers and older children.
- Construct a new parking area along Juniper Ave., which will include removal of some existing trees.
- Construct a paved walking path from the parking area to the restroom and throughout the park.
- Construct new fencing along Juniper Ave., including one pedestrian access gate and one vehicle access gate. Remove and replace fencing along the northeast and southwest property lines. Rehabilitate the existing wall along the southeast property line adjacent to Highway 299.
- If funding allows, improvements to the park’s restroom will be included.
The District will be going to bid for this project in late 2023 or early 2024. Anticipation start of construction for the project is Spring of 2024.
Recently Completed Grant Projects
Water Meter Replacement Project - Phase 1
The District was awarded $718,477.00 in grant funding through North CAL-NEVA Conservation and Development Council, Inc. Upper Pit River Regional Infrastructure Improvement Project for Phase 1 of the Meter Replacement Project. The project consisted of planning, design, and installation of approximately 340 water meter replacements and appurtenances throughout the District Service Area Boundary. New meters included AMR (automatic meter reading) technology, allowing the District to more quickly identify leaks and provide a more reliable and efficient way of measuring water consumption. WhiteHawk Construction was awarded the bid. Construction began August 1, 2022 and was completed December 22, 2023.
Well 9 Planning Project
The Burney Water District utilized $450,405.00 in grant funding for Well 9 Planning Project. Funding for this Project has been provided Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF) through an agreement with the State Water Resources Control Board.
The Well 9 Planning Project included the following components:
- Hydrogeological Evaluation
- Test Well Drilling, Sampling and Analysis
- Engineering Report
- Environmental Documentation
- Well Site and Easement Acquisition
- Geotechnical Evaluation
- 90% Complete Plans and Specifications
Climbing Wall
The Pool was awarded $7,500.00 for the purchase of a Pool Climbing Wall for the Main Pool.
LED Light Replacement Project
The Pool was awarded $7,500.00 from Burney Regional Community Fund for the purchase of Energy Saving LED lights for the interior of the Main and Therapy Pools.
Pending Grant Applications
Washburn Bue Park Improvement Project ($2,996,000.00)
The Burney Water District has applied for grant funding through Clean California Local Grant Program – California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) Cycle 2. Anticipated Project Award Notification is September 2023.
The proposed Park Project consists of the following components:
- 0.23-mile ADA paved walkway around the park
- Multi-use court (tennis/volleyball/pickleball/basketball)
- Separate play areas for toddlers and older kids
- Covered amphitheater for concerts, movies in the park, ceremonies, etc.
- Veterans memorial area
- Picnic and concrete game tables throughout the park
- New roofs on the existing dugout and bathroom facilities.
- Covered parking area with a 20kW solar system
- Security lighting to improve safety throughout the park
- Vehicular access improvements
- New fencing along the perimeter
- Improved landscaping and irrigation
Well 9 Construction Project ($4,690,000)
The Burney Water District has applied for grant funding for a Well 9 Improvement Project. If the proposed project is funded it would provide adequate effective water supply during maximum day demand in the High Pressure Zone of the District. It will improve the ability of the District to deliver high quality water meeting current Waterworks Standards and prepare water system infrastructure to advance drought resilience. The proposed project includes completing construction of a new Well 9 at Washburn Park.
Water Meter Replacement Project Phase 2 ($185,188)
The Burney Water District applied for grant funding through Shasta County - American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA). If awarded the project would include: Water Meter Replacement: Manual Read to Radio Read Meters - Approx. 100 Meters.
Water System Improvement Project (Approx. $14M)
The Burney Water District has applied for grant funding for Water System Improvements throughout our distribution system.
The proposed improvement project consists of the following components:
- Upgrades to the existing Booster Pump Station
- Water System SCADA Replacement
- Upgrades to all three existing Water Storage Tanks
- Upgrades to existing Well 6
- Upgrades to existing Well 7
- Upgrades to existing Well 8
- Installation of an emergency backup diesel generator, new automatic transfer switch and appurtenances to the wells
- Site improvements at the Well field